
The Bright Tea Company How To Use

Photo Courtesy: Juan Antonio Barrio Miguel/Getty Images

Have you started to learn more well-nigh diet recently? If so, you've probable heard some buzzwords near superfoods. One time y'all offset downwardly the superfood path, yous're almost certain to meet a beverage chosen kombucha. This fizzy tea has been getting more and more popular lately, even though it's really been around for thousands of years. But why, exactly, is kombucha now plant in fridges across the country?

Among other reasons, kombucha has become widely historic due to its potentially high levels of vitamins and amino acids. Studies accept also suggested that in that location are a few health benefits associated with the tea — another reason why people love to drink information technology. However, not all experts hold almost kombucha'due south healthfulness. And this raises questions virtually whether information technology'southward the nutritional powerhouse many people remember information technology is. Before you lot head to the health food shop or start home-brewing a batch, find out more about what kombucha is, what information technology does and whether it's good for you.

 Photo Courtesy: Presley Ann/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

Like another brewed beverages that came earlier information technology, kombucha has quite a bit of history backing it upwardly. Kombucha originated in Prc around 200 B.C. Chinese citizens chosen this drink the "tea of immortality," as it was believed to have healing properties. From in that location, it gradually spread across Asia and into Europe before making its way to the Americas. No 1 is exactly sure how kombucha got its name. It's possible that, afterward the tea was brought to Japan, some English speakers there mistranslated the Japanese "konbu cha" — a blazon of liquid made with kelp — and started using the word to refer to the fermented tea instead.

Kombucha tea isn't made with kelp. It'southward fabricated with water, blackness or greenish tea, sugar, and one other special ingredient. What separates this tea from any other is the use of SCOBY, which stands for "symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast." The bacteria and yeast in this viscous substance eat the sugar in the tea, and this makes them release gases. As a result, kombucha is fermented — and it'southward fizzy like soda.

People Believe That Kombucha Has Nifty Health Benefits

 Photo Courtesy: Tom Merton/Getty Images

Like green or matcha tea, people oftentimes drinkable kombucha for its reported health benefits. Considering it'south high in probiotic bacteria, the pop drink is credited with improving digestion. Information technology's also said to strengthen the immune system, reduce blood force per unit area and serve as a detox potable. Some people in health and wellness spheres take also stated that this drink may take weight loss benefits and protect confronting high claret pressure, heart disease and cancer.

Kombucha is thought to subtract inflammation that causes diseases and to assistance manage the high blood sugar that occurs with Type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, because of the potential connection between intestinal flora and low (known equally the gut-brain axis or GBA), some people believe that the probiotic bacteria in this beverage can help promote positive mental wellness. With these proposed benefits, it'due south no wonder why this drink is flying off the shelves of stores. Just kombucha isn't all it'southward brewed upwardly to be.

Experts Are Unsure Near Its Effectiveness

A home brewer displays a SCOBY that helps the kombucha ferment. Photograph Courtesy: Juan Antonio Barrio Miguel/Getty Images

With all those reported health benefits, it seems like kombucha might be a wonderdrink. But, right at present, there just isn't enough enquiry-based show near kombucha's overall health effects to make any meaningful conclusions. Claims about this beverage lowering blood pressure level or slowing the spread of cancer don't have any scientific bankroll. Neither do many other claims nearly it. According to the Mayo Clinic, "valid medical studies of kombucha tea'southward role in human health are very express." Some studies suggest that this drink may have health benefits like to probiotic supplements, but more inquiry is needed.

"We lack a actually well-controlled study to say, 'This is from kombucha,'" Dr. Zhaoping Li, professor of medicine and director of UCLA'southward Center for Human Nutrition, told Fourth dimension Magazine. "People kind [of] take the concept [of its proposed benefits] and run with it." Registered dietitian Maria Zamarripa shared with Time that she and other nutritionists do believe kombucha has beneficial probiotics that support gut health. However, drinking kombucha is no substitute for maintaining a healthy diet.

Although nutrition experts believe that it'south okay to drink kombucha regularly, it'southward important to bank check with your md first. People with kidney or lung disease may experience some negative side effects due to the acrid in the drink. People with diabetes may also want to avoid this potable because of its sugar content. If y'all have a histamine intolerance, you should besides avoid kombucha; considering it'southward fermented, it does incorporate histamines.

If you do decide to try kombucha, Zamarripa suggests limiting the amount that y'all drinkable — at least at beginning. "Some people may non tolerate large amounts of kombucha right away," Zamarripa shared in an interview with Fourth dimension Magazine. "Start by drinking four ounces or less per day, and increase the volume based on your tolerance." To protect your teeth from the acrid in the potable, Clarisa Amarillas Gastelum, an assistant professor in the Department of General Dentistry at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, recommends drinking your beverage in one sitting rather than sipping throughout the day. She also notes you should use a harbinger and rinse your mouth with water afterwards finishing.

While scientific studies may be inconsistent and unclear on the truthful wellness benefits, people across the earth feel that this drink is beneficial and may not feel harmful health effects. Only time — and especially more research — will tell whether this drink is truly healthy.

Resource Links:

"Is Kombucha Good for you? Here'due south What Experts Say," via Fourth dimension

"The health benefits of kombucha," via Chicago Tribune

"2,000 years of kombucha: A very brief history of the earth's favorite fermented beverage," via Vocalism

"Are There Benefits to Drinking Kombucha?," Via The New York Times

"Kombucha tea: Does it have health benefits?," Mayo Clinic


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