
How To Play Stinky Feet Review Game

Test Prep Games and Activities

Test prep is 100x more fun when yous contain games into your review! And information technology is surprisingly easy to prep and program these test prep games!

Connect Four

This can exist a super fun whole group game.

To prep, you will need to grab some task cards. You will draw a grid on your white board. The traditional Connect Four board is half dozen rows and seven columns. Separate your class into ii teams. Each team will need their own colour of Expo marking or their ain colour of viscous notes.

Give each squad a task bill of fare. They should work together to come up with the correct answer. One person from the team brings the answer to you. If it is correct, they can put their sticky note in one of the squares on your grid.

Teams are trying to get 4 in a row and they can endeavor and block the other team.

Test Prep Jenga

This is another examination prep game that tin can exist played with the whole class (although information technology could be played in small groups or centers, likewise!).

You will need some task cards and a Jenga game.

Split your class into 2-iv teams. Give each team a chore card. They should work together to answer the question and and so come to you lot when they have the reply. If the answer is correct, the team can remove one piece from the Jenga stack and so they are given a new task carte.

The winner is the team with the most Jenga pieces when the stack falls downwardly.

Stinky Feet Game

This test prep game is loads of fun!

You volition demand a stack of task cards. Draw a huge foot on your white lath. Grab some sticky notes. Write point values ON THE Dorsum of each sticky annotation. You will desire some notes that are plus points and some that are negative points. (For example, yous can take a note that says +five and you can have a note that says -three.) Put the notes on top of the foot.

Stinky Feet Test Prep Game Activity

Divide your course into 2 teams. Give each squad a job menu to work on. When they cease, they must check the answer with you. If it is right, they become to catch a sticky note from the foot. The annotation tells them if their team will go points or if points will be subtracted from their team.

Once students complete one question, you lot can give them another if time permits. They will be very focused because answering more questions gives them the opportunity to earn more points for their team.

Why is information technology called Stinky Feet?

It stinks when they lose points!

Cups Game

This game is like to Stinky Feet, but it's a unproblematic way to switch it upward and keep things fun!

You volition need those task cards (or even a passage with questions), three cups and iii dissimilar colors of foursquare tiles (or another counter).

On the bottom of the cups, write bespeak values. Y'all will want two cups with positive values and one cup with a negative value. For instance, you can have +3, +5 and -ii.

Split up the class into three teams. (You can have more teams if you lot accept more colors of tiles!) Each squad is assigned a color and given a stack of tiles in that color.

The teams will piece of work together to answer questions. After they complete each question and get it checked, they tin can put one of their tiles in whatsoever 1 of the cups.

Cups test prep review game

They have no idea the value of each cup since the values are written on the bottom!

After all of the questions have been answered (or your time is upward), reveal the value of each cup and tally the team points past counting the color tiles in each cup. The winner is the team with the almost points!

Exam Prep Candyland

Everyone knows how to play Candyland and that is what makes this exam prep game and then easy to implement in your classroom.

I honey to use this game in center rotations considering information technology is a four player game.

All you need is a Candyland game (cheap at Walmart and second manus stores) and some task cards.

Players will take turns grabbing a chore card from the pile and answering it. If all players agree that their answer is right, they tin can take a turn on the game board. That means they get to pick a Candyland carte du jour and move their actor on the board.

If they are wrong, they don't get to take a turn on the game board and it is the next person'south turn.

The winner is the person who gets to the cease of the Candyland lath start.

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Test Prep Review Games

Test prep games actually aid to get your students excited to review for the big mean solar day!

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